Monday, 9 February 2009

Swimming pool

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Dig a big hole & fit big shiny walls.

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Concrete the floor.

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Make sure you concrete all of it.

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Make sure the new shiny walls can’t move.

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Install the spaghetti pipes.

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Backfill the trench ready for planting your potatoes.

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Glue your feet & the felt down on the floor.

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Fit the liner & fill with water.

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Buy a ridiculous amount of brick weave paving.

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& lay all one million of them, one at a time.

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But the result is worth it.

A more detailed installation guide for this pool is available here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Absolutely love what you did! My wife and I bought a barn 2 years ago and are in the 'slow' process of turning it into a house. I was over there for 5 weeks changing the roof and putting in a new floor. We are between toulouse and carcassonne in a place called revel in the tarn region.